Appointment for Unauthenticated User using Appointment Types - For third party. |
SchedulerUnauthenticatedUserAppointmentTypeEmailTemplateForThirdParty |
Email template for confirmation of an appointment when appointments are scheduled using appointment types with third party video applications. |
Appointment for Unauthenticated User using Appointment Types - For Amazon Chime. |
SchedulerUnauthenticatedUserAppointmentTypeEmailTemplateForAmazonChime |
Email template for confirmation of an appointment when appointments are scheduled using appointment types with Amazon Chime. |
Appointment for Unauthenticated User using Engagement Channels-For Amazon Chime. |
SchedulerUnauthenticatedUserEngagementChannelEmailTemplateForAmazonChime |
Email template for confirmation of an appointment when appointments are scheduled using engagement channels with Amazon Chime. |
Scheduled Service Appointment Confirmation Email |
SalesforceSchedulerCreateApptEmailTemplate |
Email Template to confirm scheduling of a service appointment. |
Rescheduled Service Appointment Confirmation Email |
SalesforceSchedulerModifyApptEmailTemplate |
Email Template to confirm rescheduling of a service appointment. |
Appointment for Unauthenticated User using Engagement Channels-For third party. |
SchedulerUnauthenticatedUserEngagementChannelEmailTemplateForThirdParty |
Email template for confirmation of an appointment when appointments are scheduled using engagement channels with third party video applications. |
Canceled Service Appointment Confirmation Email |
SalesforceSchedulerCancelApptEmailTemplate |
Email Template to confirm canceling of a service appointment. |
Experience Cloud: User Lockout Email |
CommunityLockoutEmailTemplate |
Email a user receives when they try to reset their password, but have been locked out because of too many failed login attempts. |
Experience Cloud: New Email - Change Email Verification |
CommunityChgEmailVerNewTemplate |
Email that users receive on their new email when their email is changed |
Group Service Appointments Enrollment Confirmation Email |
SalesforceSchedulerGroupApptEmailTemplate |
Email Template to confirm enrollment of an attendee to a Group service appointment. |
Experience Cloud: One-Time Password Email |
CommunityVerificationEmailTemplate |
Email that users receive with their verification code. |
Experience Cloud: Device Activation Verification Email |
CommunityDeviceActEmailTemplate |
Email that users receive with their verification code. |
Experience Cloud: Old Email - Change Email Verification |
CommunityChgEmailVerOldTemplate |
Email that users receive on their old email when their email is changed |
Contact: Follow Up (SAMPLE) |
ContactFollowUpSAMPLE |
Follow up on meeting |
Experience Cloud: Self-Registration Micro-Batch Submission Error User Email |
ExperienceCloudSelfRegMicroBatchSubErrorEmailTemplate |
This email template applies to self-registration requests that are processed in batches after the request is submitted. A user receives this email when there is an error processing their self-registration request. |
Leads: Web-to-Lead email response (SAMPLE) |
LeadsWebtoLeademailresponseSAMPLE |
Auto-response when new lead is submitted online. |
SUPPORT: Case escalation notification (SAMPLE) |
SUPPORTCaseescalationnotificationSAMPLE |
Internal notification when case is escalated. |
Leads: New assignment notification (SAMPLE) |
LeadsNewassignmentnotificationSAMPLE |
Internal notification to lead owner when new lead is assigned. |
SUPPORT: Web-to-Case email response (SAMPLE) |
SUPPORTWebtoCaseemailresponseSAMPLE |
Auto-response when new case is submitted online. |
SUPPORT: Case Response with Solution (SAMPLE) |
SUPPORTCaseResponsewithSolutionSAMPLE |
Standard template for responses to customer inquiries. |
SUPPORT: New assignment notification (SAMPLE) |
SUPPORTNewassignmentnotificationSAMPLE |
Internal notification to case owner when case is assigned. |
Experience Cloud: New Member Welcome Email - Passwordless Registration |
CommunityPasswordlessRegistrationEmailTemplate |
Email that new users receive with their one-time password during passwordless registration. |
Provider Portal Welcome Email |
Provider_Portal_Welcome_Email |
SUPPORT: Self-Service New Comment Notification (SAMPLE) |
SUPPORTSelfServiceNewCommentNotificationSAMPLE |
Sample email template that can be sent to your Self-Service customers to notify them a public comment has been added to their case. |
SUPPORT: Self-Service Reset Password (SAMPLE) |
SUPPORTSelfServiceResetPasswordSAMPLE |
Notification of new password when Self-Service password is reset |
SUPPORT: Self-Service New User Login Information (SAMPLE) |
SUPPORTSelfServiceNewUserLoginInformationSAMPLE |
Notification of login and password to new Self-Service user |
Experience Cloud: Forgot Password Email |
CommunityForgotPasswordEmailTemplate |
Notification of new password when a user’s password is reset (because they forgot it) |
Experience Cloud: One-Time Password Email for Headless Forgot Password Verification |
CommunityHeadlessForgotPasswordTemplate |
Email users receive with their one-time password. |
Experience Cloud: One-Time Password Email for Headless Registration Verification |
CommunityHeadlessRegistrationTemplate |
Email that users receive with their one-time password during the headless registration flow |
Experience Cloud: Changed Password Email |
CommunityChangePasswordEmailTemplate |
Notification of new password |
Experience Cloud: New Member Welcome Email |
CommunityWelcomeEmailTemplate |
Notification that user has been added to a site. |
Scheduled Video Call Details for Authenticated Users |
AppointmentManagementAuthenticatedEmailTemplate |
Notification of a new scheduled appointment. |
Scheduled Video Call Details for Unauthenticated Users |
AppointmentManagementUnauthenticatedEmailTemplate |
Notification of a new scheduled appointment. |
Embed_a_Survey_Link |
Embed_a_Survey_Link |
Boilerplate content for when you embed a link to a survey in an email. You can't embed a survey link if you edit the merge fields or delete this template. |
Embed_a_Survey_Question |
Embed_a_Survey_Question |
Boilerplate content for when you embed a link to a survey in an email. You can't embed a survey question if you edit the merge fields or delete this template. |